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Did the Berlin Wall Surround West Germany?

by | Mar 7, 2024 | World War Tour Berlin

Do you have interest in historical topic or for those who want to find out more about the cold war period. The Berlin Wall must be ranked among one of the most famous symbols of this period. But did you ever wonder if the Berlin Wall was existing in circular manner surrounding a whole periphery of the West Germany? That is why it is necessary to examine this interesting subject and obtain more information concerning the history of its development.


The Historical Background

The Berlin Wall was built by East Germany in 1961, because the East Germany was losing most of its population to West Germany. It was actually a wall that separated East from West Berlin splitting the city down the middle.


West Germany and East Germany: Two Separate Entities

To comprehend the context fully, it’s crucial to understand that after World War II, Germany was divided into four zones controlled by the victorious Allied powers: The four major powers of the world at that time were, the United States of America, the Soviet Union, Great Britain and France. West Germany or Germany officially called the Federal Republic of Germany was established in 1949 but with the support of the Western Allies. The east Germany of this year was also known as the German Democratic Republic and exists under Soviet rule.


The Berlin Wall: Dividing a City

It was also erected mainly, to stop the large number of East Germans emigrating to West Germany. It was about 155 kilometers (96 miles) long and altogether enclosed the city of West Berlin. But it is critical to make a brief mention that West Berlin did not fall within the confines of West Germany owing to its status.


West Berlin: An Isolated Exclave

The allied powers held West Berlin immediately after World War II, even though the city was surrounded by the area that became the German Democratic Republic. This simply meant that West Berlin was under the administration of the Federal Republic of Germany, but the city was completely encircled by the territory of East Germany.


Because of the geopolitical reality, West Berlin emerged as an enclave often cut off its supply lines from West Germany. West berlin was completely isolated from East Germany after the erection of the Berlin Wall.


The Inner German Border

The dividing line around West Berlin was the so called Berlin Wall, whereas the border in between West and East Germany was called the Inner German Border. Some of the enhancements made at this boundary included barbed wire fencing, watch towers and mine fields and covered a distance of 1,393 kilometers or 865 miles.


The last segment of the border has been constructed in East Germany during the post war period titled “The significance of the inner German border.”

The Inner German Border caused a significant impact on unauthorized crossing between the west and east Germany. Unlike the Berlin Wall, it separated the two countries right down the middle. Interactions between the two regions were limited and endeavours to cross the boundary informal treatment resulted to tough penalties.


THE WALL COMES DOWN AND GERMANY IS REUNITED V. Ackermann and G. Zawadski. The Berlin Wall and The Fall and Rise of The Berlin Wall.

More specifically, the World Trade Centre was a symbol of modern international division of the world into East and West for over 28 years – until its dramatic collapse. But in 1989, as political and social situation developed in East Germany and international pressure acting on the GDR, the authorities declared the border would be opened.


The event perhaps which marked history was the collapse of the Berlin wall on November 9 in the year 1989. This was the first sign of reunification of East and West Germany. In October 3 1990 less than a year later of the fall of the Berlin wall the reunification became official and created the Federal Republic of Germany known today.


The Legacy of the Berlin Wall

The historical event, which can hardly be overestimated, is the Berlin Wall that has been dividing Germany and the world. And it makes us know that people should not be divided and liberties of citizens should not be restricted. Currently, all that is left of the wall is a few standing sections including one that is particularly famous today as a memorial of the past.



However, it important to note that even when the Berlin wall surrounded West Berlin, West Berlin was not a part of West Germany because of its special status. Although there was some contact between East and West at the time, the actual division was greatly emphasized by the Inner German Border which fully divided West Germany and East Germany.


The erasing of the berlin wall was one of the great moments in history and it paved way for the two German nation to be reunite. Recognition of these events teaches us the value of liberty, oneness, and the fight for peace up to date.

Did the Berlin Wall Surround West Germany?