The border wall erected in year 1961 has evoked the spirit of the torn city during the Cold War era. It was built to act as a divider between East and West Berlin up to the time it came down in 1989 symbolizing unity for Germany. Today, tourists can see pieces of the Berlin Wall at some places to know more about the history of the division of the city. In this article, we’ll explore the question: Is there a part of the Berlin Wall at present?
Again, a great and comprehensive overview of the Berlin Wall was given in history and many details have been explored.
It is thus imperative to take a brief look at one of this world’s most famous landmarks before focusing on the current state of the Berlin Wall. The wall was built on August, 13’ 1961 and existed as a physical impediment up to November 9, 1989. This wall actually split the city in two, and with East Berliners receiving a limited right of movement and limited access to the western Soviet Zone.
For Germany the fall of the Berlin Wall was a historical point and for the whole world there was nothing similar to it that ever happened before and after the Cold War that led to the German reunification.
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Although most of the area of the Berlin Wall is gone after the collapse of the Wall, some parts still remain to this present time. These entity signify the division and are more importantly historical markers.
East Side Gallery
The last set of the Berlin Wall which continues to receive tourists’ traffic is the east side gallery section. This is a unique museum extending for 1.3 kilometers along the wall and decorated with more than one hundred striking panels of art. It has been associated with freedom and expression and thus has been a tourist attraction zone.
Tourists have an opportunity to walk through the East Side Gallery, appreciating the colors of murals on the wall; every mural is painted with a specific message about the event.
Bernauer Strasse
Bernauer Strasse is another major area under which some portions of the Berlin Wall are still in existence. It still has the border strip with the watchtowers, elements of the preserved wall section and even a memorial inside.
While giving more historical background through the use of information boards and installations, Bernauer Strasse shows how tough the life of people living on both sides of the given structure is.
Checkpoint Charlie
There is a replica at the site of the original building which acted as the main border post between East and West Berlin. Here tourists could learn more about history of this checkpoint and to observe model of the Berlin Wall.
That’s why Checkpoint Charlie itself is a heritage site for tourists, which gives the opportunity to feel the past and the hardships of people who lived in a divided city.
Travelers’ advice on visiting Berlin Wall leftovers
When planning a visit to the remaining parts of the Berlin Wall, keep these tips in mind:
Comfortable shoes because there would be quite a fair bit of walking in the trip.
The packages might be of use when you want to take a guided tour and really learn as much as possible about the history and importance of each spot.
Make sure to bring a camera to take some of the emotional scenes as well as every piece of art you can see around.
Be courteous to the sites for your respect of the memories that they actually hold. Pay attention to the fact that these places are sacred.
For some of the locations, opening hours will be different and it will be rather helpful to check that in advance.
Altogether, despite the fact that the division in the capital city is no longer tangible in primarily Cubist form, there are still fragments left to cause us think of one of the most significant historical epochs. East Side gallery, Bernauer Strasse and Check point Charlie are part of the places that depict history and struggles of the people of Berlin. These are among the must see places that one should visit when on tour in this amazing city.