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Berlin WW2 Attractions: Exploring the Historic Sights

by | Mar 7, 2024 | World War Tour Berlin


Berlin is a city rich in history, with the scars of World War II still visible today. If you are a history enthusiast or just curious about the events that shaped the world, exploring Berlin’s WW2 attractions is a must. In this blog post, we will take a closer look at some of the key sites that offer a unique glimpse into the city’s past. So put on your walking shoes and get ready to embark on a historical journey!

1. The Reichstag Building

The Reichstag Building is an iconic symbol of Berlin and a must-visit for history lovers. Built in 1894, it played a significant role during World War II and was heavily damaged. The building’s restoration after the war stands as a testament to Berlin’s resilience. Today, it serves as the seat of the German Parliament and offers an incredible view of the city from its glass dome. Make sure to book your visit in advance to avoid long queues.

2. The Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe

This powerful memorial, also known as the Holocaust Memorial, is a place of reflection and remembrance. Located near the Brandenburg Gate, it consists of 2,711 concrete slabs arranged in a grid pattern. Walking through the memorial evokes a sense of isolation and disorientation, symbolizing the tragedy and loss experienced by the Jewish community during World War II. Take a moment to pay your respects and contemplate the history it represents.

3. Topography of Terror

Situated on the site of the former Gestapo and SS headquarters, the Topography of Terror offers a chilling insight into the Nazi regime. The exhibition showcases documents, photographs, and artifacts that shed light on the atrocities committed during the war. This outdoor and indoor historical site is free to enter and provides visitors with a comprehensive overview of the Nazi’s rise to power, their control, and eventual downfall.

4. Checkpoint Charlie

Checkpoint Charlie was the famous border crossing between East and West Berlin during the Cold War. Nowadays, it serves as a reminder of the divided city and an important historical landmark. Visit the Checkpoint Charlie Museum to learn more about the daring escape attempts made by East Germans during this period. You can even get your photo taken with actors dressed as American and Russian soldiers, adding a touch of nostalgia to your visit.

5. The Berlin Wall Memorial

The Berlin Wall was a physical and symbolic barrier that divided the city for almost three decades. This memorial, located near Bernauer Strasse, allows you to explore a section of the original wall and learn about the personal stories of those whose lives were affected by it. The memorial park features a Documentation Center, a Chapel of Reconciliation, and an observation platform where you can see remnants of the wall and the “death strip”.

6. Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp Memorial

Located just outside Berlin, Sachsenhausen was one of the largest concentration camps during World War II. Visiting this memorial is a somber but necessary experience to grasp the magnitude of the Holocaust. The site preserves the original guard towers, barracks, and crematorium, offering a glimpse into the horrors endured by the prisoners. Guided tours are strongly recommended to fully understand the camp’s history.


Berlin’s WW2 attractions are a testament to the city’s past and a reminder of the dark chapter that shaped the world. Exploring these sites provides a deeper understanding of the events that unfolded during World War II and their lasting impact. Remember to approach these locations with respect and empathy. By visiting these attractions, we honor the memory of those who suffered and ensure that their stories are never forgotten.

Berlin WW2 Attractions: Exploring the Historic Sights