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Exploring the Berlin Wall During the Cold War

by | Mar 7, 2024 | World War Tour Berlin

During the Cold War the German Democratic Republic built the Berlin Wall to show ongoing struggles between East and West. In 1961 the German Democratic Republic made the Berlin Wall to block East Berlin from West Berlin connections. Throughout its lifetime this major structure held major political roles along with social and psychological effects. Our exploration will examine all major elements of the Berlin Wall including its reasons for creation and assembly as well as how everyday life was affected before it came down forever.

1. The Berlin Wall existed for defense purposes and built by people in the German Democratic Republic.

East Berliners could not travel to West Berlin after the Berlin Wall went up because that was its main reason for existence. After World War II ended the four major powers the United States, Soviet Union, United Kingdom and France divided Germany into separate occupation zones. Under tension and ideological conflict between Soviet Union and Western Allies East Germany joined the communist Soviet alliance and West Germany collaborated with the West through democratic institutions.

Under leadership from Walter Ulbricht the GDR leadership built barriers to control East German citizens trying to leave for more favorable opportunities and freedom. Official plans for building the Berlin Wall started on August 13, 1961 when barbed wire went up with concrete barriers added later that reached 155 kilometers including 43 kilometers across the Berlin city line.

The Berlin Wall defense system included watchtowers plus anti-vehicle ditches which protected an area filled with traps. People found it harder to get across from east to west.

2. People On Both Sides Of The Berlin Wall Lived Under Its Strong Military Protection

Berlin Wall presence changed daily routines of people who lived on both its sides. East Berliners lost their freedom to move internationally and experienced heavy government surveillance plus economic censorship.

Regular contact between family members across the border became impossible after the construction of the wall. Special visits became possible between 1963 but permission officers strictly monitored participants. People saw the wall as a tool for controlling them while reminding everyone how Berlin remained politically severed.

People in West Berlin lived without major limitations though they stayed unaffected by the division. People reacted with greater conflict and protesting as well as tried to cross into the other neighborhood.

3. People tried to break free from control as the wall pushed West Berliners and East Berliners apart.

East Berlin citizens throughout history attempted dangerous crossings between East and West Berlin to find freedom. Through different methods people tried to move from East to West Berlin but several died during their attempts to reach freedom.

The world remembers Peter Fechter most because guards shot him as he tried to climb over the wall. His death proved how cruel the wall system was as people worldwide became angrier with the situation.

The physical division of Berlin shaped worldwide international politics. The City became a symbol of the global Cold War conflict between communist and capitalist nations because it represented their separate belief systems. The Wall showed people how communism separated Russia’s block from Western European nations.

4. The Fall of the Berlin Wall

During 1989 a powerful uprising finally ended the existence of the Berlin Wall. People in every East German city including East Berlin marched through the streets calling for an end to travel restrictions and political changes. Facing public resistance the GDR bureaucracy made the decision to open the borders on November 9, 1989.

Thousands of East and West Berlin residents took to the checkpoints to remove parts of the wall each one personally before joining together in proud celebration. On November 9, 1989 the border opening marked both the end of the Cold War and set Germany on the path to reunification which was completed on October 3, 1990.

Berlin Wall pieces today stand as memorials while telling the city’s historic struggles. The East Side Gallery sections show how the community embraced their freedom through colorful outdoor paintings on one section of the wall after the division ended.


During the Cold War years the Berlin Wall stood as a real symbol of political separation between East and West. This wall stood as a symbol of our fight to win freedom while protecting many people until we joined together to establish democratic systems. Knowing how Berlin’s wall divided the world helps us see the true worth of peace and freedom plus human willpower against difficulties.

Exploring the Berlin Wall During the Cold War