The actors were the people who divided Europe in two – on 9th November 1989 by tearing down the Berlin Wall of the Cold War. It not only united Germany but also represented that an early death was near for communism in Eastern Europe. It is in this article that we will seek to understand what the Cold War entailed, the building of the Berlin Wall, and how it came to be demolished.
What was the Cold War?
The cold war was a post second world war conflict between the two super powers of the world, the United States and Soviet Union which lasted to early 1990s. They were distinguished by ideologically, politically, and economically opposing forces of two superpowers.
America supporting its allies democracy and capitalism was in opposition to communist supporting Soviet Union. Both countries were involved in different forms of indirect confrontations including spitting, spying, employing surrogates and the war in arms.
The Construction of the Berlin Wall
The writer then proceeds to focusing on East Germany which was an affiliated state to the Soviet Union during the construct of the wall in 1961. The wall literally politically and geographically split Berlin into the east and the west demarcating families, friends and neighbors.
Its principal role was to keep East Germans from leaving to West Germany and the democratic West Berlin. The construction of the wall was in response to the Brain drain and a gradual dismantling of the Eastern Bloc since people were moving in search of better standard living and political freedom in the Western Bloc.
The Fall of the Berlin Wall
Berlin Wall break down on November 9, 1989, was also brought about by a chain of events starting with protests against fascist dictatorship of East Germany. The wall was the symbol of division between two worlds and overnight it became a symbol of solidarity for change.
It can be pinpointed to a statement from the government of East Germany that liberalised the rules about foreign travel within the country. Taking this decision thousands of the east germans assembled themselves near the crossing points demanding to be let into the West.
The next I looked the population surged no longer veritable defenders the beleaguered border guards fled before it since the crowd was out of control they were finally commanded to open the gates. People flooded the place moving towards each other and shook hands with those on the opposite side.
The Significance of the Fall
The fall of the Berlin Wall had profound implications for Germany and the Cold War:
Unification of Germany: The tearing down of wall helped pave way to the re-unification of East and West Germany on the 3 of October in 1990. This event signified the collapse of the division that had hitherto taken nearly three decades to come to an end.
Symbolic Defeat of Communism: The bringing down of the wall symbolized a victory over communism in the middle of Europe. It led to calls for democratisation and independence in other countries in Eastern Europe, which culminated into the break up of soviet union.
Celebration of Freedom: Common memory presents the event of the fall of the Berlin Wall as liberation and as a moment of joy. It was a celebration of individual liberty, democracy and the fight against dictators and tyranny of fascist despotisms.
Recalling the Berlin Wall to this Day
Fortunately, the Wall which once separate East and West Germany no longer exist today but some parts are still displayed. The Berlin Wall Memorial and the East Side Gallery are the historical landmarks that demonstrate both suffering and the desire of people, who experienced that division.
The visits therefore enable us to be in a position to consider the values for freedom, the impacts of political strife and the true worth of human life.
One of the biggest events of the 20th century was a Fall of the Berlin Wall and this video proves that people are capable of achieving a lot to gain freedom. This can be felt across every German citizen and across the globe up to this day.
Knowing the result of the Cold War war and Berlin Wall construction, we are able to comprehend that forces which formed our world. The existence of a wall brought a historic transformation, and the collapse is traditionally perceived as a call to action: the actions of people who were able to turn their dreams into reality.