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The Fall of the Berlin Wall: A Defining Moment of the Cold War

by | Mar 7, 2024 | World War Tour Berlin

The demolition of the Berlin Wall is doubted a historic landmark since it marked the climax of the cold war period. This politics happened on November 9, 1989, when for the first time, East German government declared rejoicing news for its peoples saying that they are free to visit west without any barrier.

The Cold War: A Brief Overview

The Cold War was a continuing state of political and military rivalry between the United States and its allies the Western Bloc and the Soviet Union and its allies the Eastern Bloc that lasted from 1947 to 1991. This was marked by political rival and divergent, -power display, and proxy wars between the two powers.

The Division of Berlin

In the concluding stages of World War II the country was divided into four zones occupied respectively by the United States, the Soviet Union, Great Britain, and France. Although Berlin was situated completely in the Soviet zone it was also split into four sectors.

The post-war partition of Germany and Berlin resembled the division between the western powers and the Soviet. The west was fighting for democracy after the world war while the east was fighting for communism.

The Creation of a Dividing Wall in Berlin

In an effort to prevent people from fleeing to West Germany the East Germany government inaided by the Soviet bloc began to build the Berlin Wall on the 13 of August 1961. The wall was a physical one and made with the help of barbed wire, watch towers and other aids to security.

The Berlin Wall divided East Berlin, governed by the Soviet, from West Berlin managed by the western powers. Number of families were separated and individuals were not permitted to walk to the other side.

The Significance of the Fall

The break up of the Berlin Wall was also interpreted as the end of the Cold War. It was a victory of democracies over totalitarian regimes and bringing together of Germany was a step towards breaking up thedivider Europe.

In addition it lead to more effect as it caused break downs of other countries under soviet influence such as the Berlin Wall. A similar course was to reach the beginning, after which the Eastern Bloc fell and the whole of Eastern Europe saw the collapse of the communists.

The Impact on World Politics

It is pointed that the actual significance of the fall of the Berlin WALL found its reflection in the fact that it changed the infrastructure of world politics. West German reunification facilitated the process of a development and deep political and economic cooperation in Europe.

It also culminated to shift of power relations in the world stage. Also with the end of Cold war, Soviet Union broke apart leaving the United States as the world super power. This had serious implications in politics across the world in the next decades.


The events of the autumn of 1989 were the milestones in the history and the world politics. Ending the cold war providing cap for many geopolitical changes.

The effects of this great event can therefore still be realized to date. It is an reminder of freedom, strength of the human spirit and consolidation of people all over the world.

The Fall of the Berlin Wall: A Defining Moment of the Cold War