The collapse of the Berlin Wall is perhaps one of those historical moments that, in today’s world still defines history. It helped to herald the ending of the Cold War and the division of Europe once again and the division of Germany. In this the blog we will review on historical background, construction of the wall, the effects of the wall and the events which lead to the fall of the wall.
1. Historical Background
Cold war is the major factor that contributed to tension between east Germany, (German Democratic Republic) and west Germany (Federal republic of Germany) after world war II. This division was further aggravated by ideological differences: The East Germany embraced communism but on the other side of the globe the West Germany embraced democracy.
2. Residential living in Berlin and the construction of the Wall
In 1961 the GDR constructed the Berlin Wall with the aim at discouraging the East Germans from escape to the West. Roughly 155 kilometers feared long and equipped with concrete walls, watch towers, and a broad, barren strip called the “death strip.” What is more, the GDR put into use this wall with the intention of preventing any attempts to regain a unity with the west.
2.1 1 Overview and Security Arrangements
The primary function of Berlin Wall, you know was to prevent a large number of people from running to West from East to get a better living condition and freedom. There was considerable steel barrier in form of barbed wire, dogs and highly armed guards guarding the border of the wall. This also provided watchtowers, anti-vehicle trenches and a rigid alarm system of a compound that aimed at detecting escape attempts.
2.2 Impact on the People
Effect of the Berlin Wall was very significant to the lives of people on each of the sides. Everyone was emotionally and physically driven apart, and citizens of East Germany was living under watchful eyes and had little freedom. Climbing and other attempts to cross the wall were made by many and far from always ending in success: many lost their lives.
3. Cold war Relation to the Wall’s Existence
That is why the print of the former division between the west and east is reflected in the construction of the Berlin Wall. The difference political frameworks, economic strategies, and military forces in on side created relations and tensions that lead to the building of the wall.
3.1 Symbol of the Cold War
The Berlin Wall thus arts became an icon of the much broader separation between the west or the free world and the communism dominated east during the cold war. It symbolised the division of Europe between the East bloc and the West as well as showed the two different systems that the world was divided in.
4. The Fall of the Berlin Wall
Germany also has changed the political structure which led to the breaking of Berlin wall on date 09.11.1989 after undergoing peaceful protests. The weakening of communism in Eastern Europe especially Hungary and Poland made the east Germans to seek freedom.
Street demonstrations – passive protests like the so-called “Monday demonstrations” starting in Leipzig – made this change possible. These demonstrations continued and grew and finally the East Germans opened the gates to these checkpoints and East Berliners could get to West Berlin.
4.2 The Opening of the Border
This freedom came few hours to the most historic event when on the night of November 9, 1989, an announcement was made that the East Germans could visit West Berlin. At several checkpoints, thousands of people showed their presence to the border guards. With this much pressure, the gates opened and people came rushing in freely rejoicing over reunification of Germany.
5. Impact and Legacy
The most important event in the transformation of Germany, Europe, and the world was the destruction of the Berlin Wall. It contributed to the reunion of Germany, the East and the West therefore marked the end of the Cold War. The event was able to offer people of East Germany a new hope, liberty and chance.
5.1 Reunification of Germany
The tearing down of the Berlin Wall led to the Germany’s reintegration of East and West on October 3 in the same year. Though filled with immense challenges this process led to economic and social integration resulting in a solid and one Nation Germany.
5.2 Global Significance
’Said this simply, the collapse of the Berlin Wall symbolized triumph for democracy, human rights, and freedom over Communism. It affected politics in different countries and became a symbol of erosion of the Iron Curtain, and the falling of the Soviet Union.
The event occurred in Germany was marked by the collapse of the wall, ended the Cold war and reunion of Germany. It becoming of uttermost importance to mark this event as it touched the lives of millions of people and may be seen today as a true symbol of freedom and hope. If you look at the factors that comprised the history, the construction, and the toppling of the structure, one would definitely discover its true worth in the grand scheme of human evolutionary process.