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The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Two Berlin

by | Mar 7, 2024 | World War Tour Berlin

So let me introduce you to the ultimate Two Berlin guide for the complete newbie! So, if you just started developing interest in this gorgeous city, you are going to love it. Two Berlin on the other hand focuses on two distinct areas of Berlin during the period after world war two up to the joining of the two in 1990. Here you will learn about the development of Two Berlin, its sights and the features of its culture that will definitely inspire. So, let’s dive in!

1. First of all, thus address the historical context of Two Berlin.

After the end of World War II, Germany was divided into four occupied zones controlled by the Allied powers: the United States, the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom and France. As much as Brussels, Berlin in the USSR zone was also split in four zones, each administered by one of the Allies. The difference between the two parts of Europe also steadily increased and in 1961 the construction of the Berlin Wall started.

Partition of Berlin was 28 years long and for this entire period the Wall was separating two different cities with different political views and beliefs. While the western portion, known as West Berlin, became signifying liberty and liberal democracy, the eastern portion known as East Berlin was occupied by the soviet and symbolized socialism.

2. Exploring Two Berlin Today

After the break down of the Berlin Wall in 1989 which later led to Germany’s reunification in the year 1990, Two Berlin has undergone massive transformation. Today is can be seen how this division looks like, new center for art and culture can be visited, different specific events happened in that city can be found out.

2.1. Historical Sites and Museums

When visiting the Two Berlin I recommend to take the time to go around the historical sites and visit museums in order to gain better understanding of that division. There are two major spots which tourists should visit: the Berlin Wall Memorial and the East Side Gallery. The Berlin Wall Memorial also provides useful information of the Wall, how it was built and the people it impacted. Contrasting with the cruel Soviet architecture, the East Side Gallery offers visitors more than a kilometer of the preserved Wall painted with cheerful street art murals.

Besides the Wall-related sites, there exists other important museum that seeks to capture division of Germany; this is the Checkpoint Charlie Museum. It has the best and large number of collection and anecdotes regarding berlin wall and attempts made by people in east Germany to flee.

2.2. Cultural Highlights

Two Berlin offers an abundance and variety of cultural offerings which have evolved since the re-unification. Nightlife is active, music is popular and there is much art and theater to see and do in this city. Two more districts, which are packed with students, new colorful bars, clubs, and live music are Prenzlauer Berg and Kreuzberg.

Museumsinsel or the Museum Island is recognized UNESCO world heritage site and hold worthwhile collections for art lovers. There are five spectacular museums; 1) Pergamon Museum featuring a variety of artifact and architectural marvel like the Ishtar Gate of Babylon.

3. Practical advice to Two Berlin

Here are some practical tips to make your visit to Two Berlin as enjoyable as possible:

  • It is recommended to plan your schedule in advance because of several interesting thing to do in the city.
  • It is suggested to get a Berlin Welcome Card which gives unlimited transportation and free or reduced entrance to the main sightseeing.
  • Pick up some Deutsch so you’ll be able to get lost in the city and talk to the people.
  • While touring don’t miss an opportunity to taste German food especially at local food markets and restaurants; currywurst and bratwurst.
  • Be aware of the city history and be more careful and appropriate when walking around any memorial or monument area.

IT: Two Berlin offers a detailed rich experience on History, Culture and art since it is a prominent artistic city. While Two Berlin may be most interesting to history buffs and fans of art and sculpture, anyone traveling through such an interesting city should not be disappointed. So, pack up your bags and be prepared to take a journey through this beautiful city that you’ve only read and heard about!

The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Two Berlin