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Was the Berlin Wall because of the Cold War?

by | Mar 7, 2024 | World War Tour Berlin

Inasmuch as it is possible to nominate those items which played an especially significant role in the history of the Cold War, the wall in Berlin most certainly merits mention. Before the reunification of Germany in 1989 it has symbolically served as a ‘wall’ between East and West Germany for nearly thirty years. In following part of this blog post, we will explain why the construction of the Berlin Wall was initiated and its roles during the Cold War period.


Understanding the Cold War

The Cold War was a state of political and military rivalry between American and the Soviet Union, in the 1940s up to the early 1990s. It was marked by political and economic rivalries on how to control the world and by the risks of atomic bombings.


The Division of Germany

After World War II, Germany was divided into four zones; the American, British, Soviet and the French zones. Soviet controlled East Germany also had the city of Berlin divided into four occupied sectors.


The Rising Tensions

In this period the discord intensify due to ideological differences between the Soviet Union and the West. The Soviet Union sought dominion over communism and the United States and all its allies vowed to support democracy and capitalist economics.


The Berlin Airlift

During the Cold War in 1948, the Soviet Union declare a blockade around West Berlin closing supply access to the west side of Berlin. Instead, US and her allies initiated the Berlin Airlift, which was an exercise in humanitarianism aimed at supplying Berlin through the air.


Origins of NATO and the Warsaw Treaty Organisation

Demonizing the Soviet Union’s tendencies to expand its territory, the Western countries came together and signed the North Atlantic Treaty Organization in 1949. The Soviet Union continued to build the counter alliances, and formed the Warsaw Pact as two sides of the military alliances.


The Arms Race

The Cold War also saw the US and the Soviet Union compete in the build up of military might, or an arms race. They accumulated nuclear weapons that were almost catastrophic to the world at large.


The formation of the Berlin Wall

During the increased immigration from the east to the west Germany the Soviet union decided to act drastically. The construction of Berlin Wall started on the 13th of August in 1961.


Socialist Unity Party and foreign especially Soviet influence.

The construction of this infamous wall was effected by the ruling Socialist Unity Party of East Germany. The Soviet Union agreed because the Wall kept its people from leaving to find a better life in the West.


Long and difficult journey, Trail of Tears, forced to forgo, banishment, forced to abandon, forced relocation, forced to leave, forced to surrender, forced removal, being on the move, forced to move, deportations, forced to travel, creating refugee camps, detaining families, incarceration, power of removal, limitation of movement, breaking up families, mobility restrictions

The Belin Wall comprised of concrete walls barb wire fences, watch towers and other security features. It certainly separated families, and limited people’s access between the two sides of the city.


Escaping to the West

However, thanks to the barbed wire which enclosed the border, several East Germans managed to cross over to the west via West Berlin- although this was very risky. Some used tunnels, others used primitive structures such as hot air balloons, and the rest died in the process.


The Fall of the Berlin Wall

It is also relevant to mention that in the depths of the Cold War, the impacts increased constantly in the late 1980s, and tensions on the USSR and its Eastern Bloc allies. Historian Eric Foner reports that on November 9, 1989 the Berlin Wall came crumbling down.


The Power of the People

The fall of the Berlin Wall was due to revolution which was initiated by the public. People rallied in large groups to call for liberty and merger.


The Reunification of Germany

After the Germany unification of the two Germans’ orientations, reunification followed years after the falling of the Berlin Wall. Germany was officially reunified on the third of October in a year 1990.


The Legacy of the Berlin Wall

The Berlin Wall is also a symbol illustrating enmity and woes of the Cold War period. This fall signified the era of war and everyone in the society wants the change to a better and more quiet world.


A Monument of Freedom

At the moment the remains of the Berlin Wall are presented in many cities as sights. They have been established in honor of the fight for liberty and integration.


A Catalyst for Change

The fall of the wall led to the non-violent demobilisation of the Cold War and the breaking up of the Soviet Union. It changed the very map of the world as well.


The Importance of Remembrance

So, people need to remember that the Berlin Wall once existed in the world and recall the lessons of that division to value the results of people’s unification and the absence of conflicts.



The ideas and the political orientation of the leaders in both sides of the Berlin determined the construction of the Berlin Wall during the cold war period. It became a physical division between East Germany and West Germany, families were divided while people’s movements were limited. Nevertheless, timely collapse of the Berlin wall is an excellent display of people’s power, which led to the reunification of Germany. The parts of the Berlin Wall today are symbols and lessons to obey and achieve harmony.


Was the Berlin Wall because of the Cold War?