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What Did East Germany Call the Berlin Wall?

by | Mar 7, 2024 | World War Tour Berlin

When discussing the historical context of the Berlin Wall, it is essential to understand the terminology used by East Germany, also known as the German Democratic Republic (GDR), to refer to the border structure. The Berlin Wall was a significant landmark separating East Berlin from West Berlin during the Cold War era. Let’s explore what the GDR officially called the Berlin Wall and some interesting facts surrounding its construction and purpose.

Construction of the Border Structure

The GDR referred to the border structure as the “Antifaschistischer Schutzwall” or the “Anti-Fascist Protection Rampart.” This name suggests that the wall was built to protect East Germany from fascist influences and prevent the infiltration of capitalist ideals from the West.

Construction of the Berlin Wall began on August 13, 1961, and it consisted of not just a wall, but also a complex system of barriers, including fences, guard towers, and no-man’s-land. The wall virtually divided the city of Berlin into two, cutting off family members and friends from each other for almost three decades.

Official Purpose and Historical Context

The GDR claimed that the Berlin Wall was built to protect its citizens from imperialist aggression and the threat of fascism. East Germany argued that the wall was necessary to prevent western spies and counter-revolutionaries from destabilizing their socialist state.

However, the real motivation behind the construction of the Berlin Wall was to halt the mass migration of East Germans to West Berlin and West Germany. By the early 1960s, thousands of East Germans were fleeing to the West in search of better living conditions, freedom, and opportunities. This brain drain was a significant blow to the GDR’s economy and political stability.

The Berlin Wall effectively trapped East Germans and prevented them from leaving the GDR. The no-man’s-land between the inner and outer walls, equipped with tripwires, floodlights, and patrol dogs, made escape attempts extremely dangerous and often fatal.

Life and Challenges in Divided Berlin

The Berlin Wall created a stark contrast between the two halves of the city. While West Berlin enjoyed the benefits of a prosperous and democratic society, East Berlin faced economic challenges, political repression, and limited personal freedoms.

Family members and friends were separated by the wall, unable to easily visit one another. This division caused immense emotional pain and forced many East Berliners to live with the constant reminder of a divided Germany.

However, over time, the GDR made improvements to the living conditions in East Berlin, attempting to create a more appealing image of the socialist state. Still, these efforts did little to alleviate the desire of many East Germans to escape to the freedom and opportunities offered in the West.

The Fall of the Berlin Wall

The Berlin Wall stood as a powerful symbol of the division between East and West throughout the Cold War. However, on November 9, 1989, the wall finally fell after months of peaceful protests and political changes in East Germany.

The fall of the Berlin Wall marked a significant turning point in history. It symbolized the end of the Cold War and led to the reunification of East and West Germany in 1990, bringing an end to the decades-long division.

In Conclusion

For the German Democratic Republic (GDR), the Berlin Wall was officially known as the “Antifaschistischer Schutzwall” or the “Anti-Fascist Protection Rampart.” However, the Berlin Wall was more than just a border structure. It was a physical manifestation of the division between ideologies and a symbol of the oppression faced by the people of East Germany.

The fall of the Berlin Wall brought about a new era of hope and unity for the people of Germany. Today, the remnants of the wall serve as a somber reminder of the past and a testament to the resilience of the German people.

What Did East Germany Call the Berlin Wall?