The Cold War was a years long conflict between the Soviet Union and the US, which caused other countries of the world to participate in that conflict as well, directly or indirectly. Germany, Berlin and Korea were very active during this period. Therefore, in this article, the three areas of concern are as follows; What happened in these regions during the Cold War, What happened afterwards?
The Division of Germany
After the second world war Germany became divided into four zones occupied by the United States, Great Britain, France and the USSR respectively. Cold war took its toll and deepened the consequences making a West Germany, officially known as the Federal Republic of Germany and East Germany also officially known as the German Democratic Republic in 1949. West Germany teamed up with the United States and was a member of NATO, on the other hand East Germany became pro Soviet.
Historical Milestones of East and West Germany
The Berlin Wall was built in 1961 by East Germany to stop the flight of East Germans to the West.
The Berlin Airlift of 1948-1949 referring to the massive endeavor to bring supplies into West Berlin by the United States, United Kingdom, and France when the road was closed by the USSR.
Berlin was divided thus representing a part of the west including Europe that was separated from the Eastern side during the world war.
Significantly, the dramatic event occurred in November 1989 when the Berlin Wall was knocked down and Germany was reunified in October the following year.
Impact on Germany
The division of Germany fostered sociable and economical inequalities. The Federal Republic of Germany or West Germany enjoyed a tremendous economic boom and rose to become a first world economy power that rivaled Japan and America but East Germany stagnated from the second world war until 1990 when its reunification with West Germany made it a second-world-economy power. The division of the one country also mostly had the sociopolitical consequences for people and families who their members were split by the borderline.
The Korean War
The WW III, which is seen as a proxi war of the Cold War, occurred in decade between 1950 and 1953. The K.K.War was waged between North Korea which was backed by its main supporters, Soviet Union and China and the South Korea which enjoyed the support of its main supporter United States and other countries.
Key Events in the Korean War
The war started in June of 1950 when the North Korean army crossed into the South.
The global league led United Nations with the United States intervention assisting South Korea .
The skirmishes ended at stalemate and in 1953 an armistice was agreed with the formation of the Korean Demilitarised Zone (DMZ) between the two countries.
Impact on Korea
The Korean War led to massive loss of both human and property including infrastructure. North and South Korea were separated and therefore their political economic and social development paths were quite different.
Both Germany and Berlin as well as Korea benefitted and suffered from the effects of the cold war. It splits Germany into the two states and therefore discovers different political, economical and social systems. The erection of and also the coming down of the Berlin Wall epitomized the division of the Cold War regime. To the fates of Korea itself, the war made division between North and South more concrete in their society. The history of these regions helps to know about the background of the Cold War and the consequences of the event.