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Where Was the Berlin Wall Built: A Detailed Map Guide

by | Mar 7, 2024 | World War Tour Berlin


The Berlin wall was a concrete barrier which separated East and West Berlin in the German capital form 1961 to 1989. The German Democratic Republic (or East Germany) built it, to prevent East Berliners from fleeing over to its more affluent counterpart, West Berlin.

The Path of the Berlin Wall

West Berlin was nearly completely surrounded by the Berlin Wall for roughly 155 kilometres (96 miles). So it wasn’t a single, seamless wall, but consisted of barbed wire fences, concrete walls, watch towers, and so on called the death strips. The location was staged with control maximized and escape attempts minimized.

Checkpoint Charlie

Checkpoint Charlie was also one of the most famous border crossing points. It was built near Friedrichstrasse as a way in and way out for diplomats, military service men, and foreign citizens into / out of East Berlin.

Brandenburg Gate

The Brandenburg Gate, a historical, became a point of marking the border. In fact, the gate stayed closed for the majority of the duration of the wall’s existence; it became a reminder of division.

Reichstag Building

The wall was close to the building occupied by the German Bundestag (Parliament), now called the Reichstag Building. From the building, one could watch the wall, reminding one of the divide.

Map of the Berlin Wall

Here is a detailed map that outlines the path and location of the Berlin Wall:

The wall, the different checkpoints and major landmarks in the area are all shown on the map. It shows you visually how the wall cut through the city, dividing families, friends for almost three decades.


The Berlin Wall is famous for being the symbol of the division, East to West Berlin. The path that it stretched, had reached throughout the city, and had affected the lives of thousands. Provided in this guide is the detailed map which shows you where the wall was built, and the way it affected the appearance of the city.

Today visiting the remaining fragments of the Berlin Wall allows us to think of the necessary importance of unity and the results of physical and ideological barriers. She is a constant reminder of how resilient and determined people are and how they got through that tumultuous time in history.


Where Was the Berlin Wall Built: A Detailed Map Guide