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Who Built the Berlin Wall?

by | Mar 7, 2024 | World War Tour Berlin

After the Second World War East Germany setup the Berlin Wall to divide Berlin West from Berlin East and neighboring regions. During the Cold War years from 1961 until 1989 East Germany erected this border protection. Its construction marked a turning point in world history because it divided democratic and communist ways of ruling.

The people behind the Berlin Wall’s creation

Walter Ulbricht and other leaders of the German Democratic Republic decided to erect the Berlin Wall as their highest authority. East Germany did not execute the entire construction project alone.

The Soviet Union’s Role

After World War II the Soviet occupation of East Germany led them to build the Berlin Wall. Khrushchev and his Soviet team set the Berlin Wall to block East Germans escaping to West Germany because high migration rates shamed communist rule.

The Construction Process

During the night of August 12-13, 1961 workers started building the Berlin Wall. At the start of construction the border authorities placed barbed wire and barricades to block access paths. After starting as simple barriers the wall developed into a large concrete barrier with watchtowers security animals and vehicle blocking trenches.

The wall protected West Berlin by wrapping 155 kilometers around it to isolate the city from East Germany. German Democratic Republic agencies delivered heavy equipment and staff to build this project because it demanded advanced assembly methods.

Agencies Involved

Several divisions of the German Democratic Republic were involved in the construction of the Berlin Wall:

The Ministry for State Security defended German territory by securing intelligence about escapes while keeping escapees from fleeing.

The National People’s Army assisted with defense tasks and secured the border line.

The Border Troops enforced all restrictions on border crossings.

The Construction Brigade of the GDR built the Berlin Wall wall because that’s all they did.

Impact of the Berlin Wall

The Berlin Wall had profound consequences, both locally and globally:

Divided Families

People suffered severe family separation due to the Berlin Wall. East German residents were forced to live apart from family in West Berlin even though their families could see them across short walking distances because the wall blocked access.

Escaping East Germany

The Berlin Wall made a real border to keep people out while symbolizing the iron curtain between East and West. Many people risked their lives to escape East Germany but most failed to succeed. People who tried to pass through the wall could be put in jail or be killed.

Cold War Symbolism

During the Cold War the Berlin Wall symbolized how political power split east from west. Detection systems and physical barriers deepened international tensions about communism which led to worldwide protests.

The Fall of the Berlin Wall

For three decades the Berlin Wall stood until it fell on November 9, 1989 during events that destroyed Soviet influence across Eastern Europe and brought Germany back together. At that historical time the Cold War’s ending phase began with the collapse of the Berlin Wall.

Peaceful Protests

Widespread peaceful demonstrations in East German cities especially Leipzig made the government modify policy by opening border crossings. When authorities let people cross the wall freely it eventually led to its removal.

Political Changes

The political system between East and West Berlin helped bring down the Berlin Wall. When Mikhail Gorbachev took power over the Soviet Union he allowed reforms which ended the Eastern Bloc’s existence.

In Conclusion

The German Democratic Republic and Soviet Union worked together when they built the Berlin Wall. The Berlin Wall made a physical division between East and West Berlin while creating extensive suffering and presenting the worldwide split in politics. Through peaceful demonstrations and political reforms Germany’s citizens made the Berlin Wall fall which opened a fresh path toward reunification.

Who Built the Berlin Wall?