The icon of the Cold War was the symbol of the Berlin divided by the Wall. It was build by the German Democratic Republic (East Germany) in 1961 and was a concrete division between East and west Berlin until its fall in 1989. In this article I will provide information on historical background, building works, aims and objectives of the construction of the Berlin Wall as well as demise of the Berlin Wall.
1. Historical Context
Cold War explains the political standoff between the United States of America and the USSR together with their supporters for the duration of World War II and the following 40 years. Such an ideological cleavage led to the division between East and West. Berlin, as the capital of Germany, was also divided after World War II into four occupied zones controlled by the Allies: the United States, the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom and France.
Stress levels rises as the relations between Soviet Union and its counterparts of the west worsened. Theeastgermansought freedom and民主 rebelliousness in the west causing brain drain within the Soviet dominated area of operation and thereby the loss of human capital.
2. Construction of the Berlin Wall
Since the GDR wanted no more of such emigration, it wanted to seal off its borders, the construction of the Berlin Wall started on August 13, 1961. It would also go through great lengths of work without informing other parties such as the wall described here was constructed during the night. East Germany’s government locked East and West Berlin, constructing wire barricades and walls to limit the movement between the two zones.
This was followed later with a series of barbed wire fences and recently the construction of a cement wall. This wall was 155 kilometers (96 miles) long and extensions to the structure had watch towers and anti-tank ditches. Indeed, the wall acted as barrier in splitting the city residents into different families, friend and communities.
3. Purpose of the Berlin Wall
The main reason for the Berlin Wall was to prevent as many east Germans escaping to the richer west as possible. The GDR argued that the wall was necessary to protect its citizens from “fascist elements” and “Western imperialism.” But it was regarded mostly as the effort to continue governing and avoid the provision of more human and material asset to the West.
The Berlin Wall was also used as a propaganda both for the Soviet Union, as well as the GDR. It signified the power of the socialist regime and assured the world mainly the west the beauty of communism.
4. Life Around the Wall
This paper will establish that the erection of the Berlin Wall affected the experiences of the people living on each side in a number of ways. Meanwhile, in East Berlin it symbolized regime and their influence as well aslimited mobility freedom of a single individual. It was surrounded by walls and Defense also those who attempted to cross it usually were imprisoned or even killed.
In West Berlin the wall was an emblem of defiance and camaraderie with the people detained in the socialist sector of the city. It also underlined differences between the two political systems of the countries. The wall was pedestrianogical, walkers from all around the world to witness the wall that signified the difference in ideologies.
5. Fall of the Berlin Wall
More about the events which changed the world, favorable sign is the collapse of the Berlin Wall on November 9, 1989. The Soviet Union started to deteriorate slowly, and the political pressure within East Germany ever since also played the part to bring down the wall. Protests for Free Germany and the right to march took place in East Berlin for freedom and the joining of Germany.
In those hours, East Germany made an unprecedented statement that people could go across freely. The wall attracted thousands of people, and the panicking and unprepared guards opened the gates. This event, German reunification and end of the cold war was achieved through this event.
Its ghost referred to the demarcation line between east and west during the cold war – the Berlin Wall. It was built due to political relations and to counteract a flood of emigrants from East Germany. The wall exists symbolically, as a physical regime separation lasted for almost 30 years but the regime and social pressures have always acted to reunify Germany. Presently the remains of the wall act as a symbol of the past struggles and achievements in the course of this rather convulsive period of history.