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When Does the Berlin Wall Go Up?

by | Mar 7, 2024 | World War Tour Berlin

The Berlin Wall, one of the most iconic symbols of the Cold War, was constructed by the German Democratic Republic (East Germany) in 1961. This physical barrier was built to divide East Berlin from West Berlin, serving as a stark representation of the division between Eastern Bloc communism and Western democracy.

The Construction of the Berlin Wall

The Berlin Wall was erected on August 13, 1961, during the early hours of the morning. Its construction took place almost overnight, catching many West Berliners off guard. The sudden appearance of the wall resulted in families being separated, and caused a significant upheaval in the city.

Reasons for the Construction

The main reason behind the construction of the Berlin Wall was to prevent citizens from East Germany from fleeing to the more prosperous and politically liberal West Berlin. Important factors contributing to this decision included:

  • Mass Migration: East Germany experienced significant population loss as thousands of people emigrated to West Germany each month.
  • Brain Drain: Many educated and skilled workers were leaving East Germany, causing a shortage of talent and resources.
  • Political Pressure: The East German government faced growing dissatisfaction from its citizens as they desired more freedom and opportunities.

Construction Details

The Berlin Wall was initially made of barbed wire and eventually evolved into a more complex structure. Concrete segments, watchtowers, anti-vehicle trenches, and other security features were added to reinforce the wall over time. The wall extended approximately 96 miles (155 kilometers) within the city, effectively cutting off West Berlin from the surrounding East German territory.

Life with the Berlin Wall

The construction of the Berlin Wall drastically affected the lives of people on both sides of the divide.

Division of Families

Many families found themselves separated when the wall went up, unable to see or communicate with their loved ones on the other side. This separation caused immense emotional distress and had lasting effects on the affected individuals.

Controlled Border Crossings

After the wall’s construction, only a limited number of designated crossings were permitted for individuals to travel between East and West Berlin. These checkpoints, such as Checkpoint Charlie and Glienicker Brücke (Bridge of Spies), became significant symbols of the Cold War.

Escape Attempts

Despite the wall’s formidable presence, many individuals attempted daring escapes. These attempts ranged from tunneling under the wall to disguised vehicles and even hot air balloon flights. While some were successful, others ended in tragedy.

The Fall of the Berlin Wall

The Berlin Wall stood for almost three decades as the physical embodiment of the division between East and West Berlin. However, in the late 1980s, winds of change started sweeping across East Germany.

The Peaceful Revolution

Public demonstrations and protests against the East German government grew in size and intensity. The call for political reform and freedom pushed the government to relent.

Opening of the Border

In response to mounting pressure, the East German government announced on November 9, 1989, that the borders would open. This historic decision led to an influx of people gathering at the border crossings.

Celebrations and Reunification

The fall of the Berlin Wall was celebrated across the nation and worldwide. People from both sides of the wall climbed and chipped away at it as a symbol of unity and the end of the Cold War. This event eventually paved the way for the reunification of Germany in 1990.


The construction of the Berlin Wall in 1961 had profound effects on the people and history of Germany. With its unexpected appearance and lasting impact, the wall became a symbol of the division between East and West. However, its eventual fall in 1989 demonstrated the resilience and longing for unity within the German people.

When Does the Berlin Wall Go Up?